Thursday, December 16, 2010

Watch Out

Tyson is walking!! He has been for about 3 weeks now. He has had a few bumps and bruises from it but that is part of it right? He loves to walk around our house carrying things. He really loves this flag. What ever makes him happy. I took Tyson to the doc last friday because he has had a really bad cough. And he had this sore on his nose from walking when we went. I felt like an awesome person let me tell ya. The doctor questioned his sore. I told him it's from walking the doc says yeah I know how that works. I didn't know what that was suppose to mean but whatever. Then the same day with the same sore we go to the hospital for chest x-rays. Everyone there questioned his sore also. REALLY PEOPLE HE IS LEARNING TO WALK. Promise. Anyway back to his walking (sorry) he prefers to walk now everywhere that we go. I hope Santa brings him shoes for Christmas because he doesn't have any that fit right now. Tyson's favorite thing to do is walk the circle that is in our house. In the front room, to the kitchen, thru the bathroom, thru our bedroom and back to the front room. I bet he does this thousands of times a day. He gets distracted by the toilet and has to splash around a few times.
But he loves walking and is pretty good now. I guess he just had to show everyone it was on his time and no one elses.

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