Thursday, May 19, 2011

Random Pictuers

My child might be a little weird. He likes Spaghettio's ALOT. He couldn't even wait to get his coat off when we got home from Church before he just needed some. I found this boom box for 50 cents at a garage sale last week and Tyson is in love with it. He carries it around and talks into the antenna like a microphone. Tyson likes to walk around the house with wrapping paper. What ever. But I don't know why he can't play with his room FULL of toys.

Easter 2011

Tyson LOVED Easter this year. He enjoyed the toys and M&M's that the Easter Bunny brought him. He LOVED the Easter egg hunts that we went to. And we went to a few. We enjoyed an Eater egg hunt with my family while my sister and her family was here from Nebraska. Then, we went to the Millville City egg hunt. Tyson get the golden egg in his age group and got a big chocolate bunny. We enjoyed going with Eric's family's easter egg hunt (and by we I mean Tyson and myself Eric was golfing - just a side note). He LOVED it there. He was in seventh heaven with the stairs, the other kids, the horses (from a distance), the car/bike thing, grandma, and Aunt Nanny. Then on Sunday he enjoyed his basket and wanted to take it with him to church. We had a small battle. After church we enjoyed going the "The Hill" to throw eggs down the hill. Tyson enjoyed it very much. Really he liked going up and down the hill and everyone was glad to leave because we were very tired from chasing him up and down the hill.