Saturday, April 7, 2012

Christmas 2011

This year Christmas was a bit different. We moved exactly one week before Christmas. I know call us idiots. We were. Lots and Lots of people, more like everyone I told that we were moving that close to Christmas, would ask us if we were setting up a Christmas tree and I started replying I don't know its a lot of work blah blah blah. Well everyone suggested putting up the tree because we had Tyson and he really needed a tree for Christmas. Well being a little stubborn like I am I decided BULL CRAP I am NOT putting up a tree and trying to unpack and attend family and work Christmas parties, and finish up some shopping. But mainly it was because people were telling to put it up. I will show them I thought make my OWN grown up decision. Right? No Christmas tree here at this house. So we made a Christmas tree for Family Home Evening out of paper and hung it on the wall. That was our one and only Christmas decoration. It was cute I thought. Who needed anything else? Well looking back now...........I WISH I WOULD HAVE PUT MY DAMN TREE UP. I didn't really enjoy Christmas this year. It just felt like another day. Nothing special about it. No clean up the week after. Nothing. It was LAME. I will be putting up a tree this next year and possibly put it up in October and take it down in February. We shall see. Tyson enjoyed his presents that he got from Santa. But Santa was not very awesome this year not one toy had batteries. It was great for mom and dad but I think Tyson was pretty bored with his gifts. Oh well we hurried out the door anyway to families. Cheers to a better Christmas next year!!

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow, he is so grown up! Makes me sad.
