Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cleaning with a little more cleaning

Tyson LOVES wet wipes. He really likes to suck on them. Gross I know. But I chose not to fight this battle. Although maybe I should. Anyway, I walked into the front room and found him cleaning his toys off. Then he grabbed one of Eric's golf clubs and decided that needed to be cleaned also. Much better choice on how to use wet wipes right? Tyson may have seen us cleaning these items a time or two or possibly a hundred times. But who's counting?


  1. That is great that you are taking advantage of your free slave labor. I can't believe Tyson liked to eat the wipes. yuck!

  2. I see this as a good thing. Ashlin loved to clean as a baby, and she still likes things in good order. Jamsion liked to suck on wipes too. They can't taste good. Weird.
