I learned today that my child is TRULY a boy. We went to Eric's aunts house for an Easter party. We had a really good time. We chased goats and cows and tried to pull ribbons off of them and there was money for the prizes. Awesome right? It was really fun. It was funner than it sounds I promise. Well, we were outside doing this and Tyson got DIRTY. Holy Crap. I really didn't think a child could get this dirty and still enjoy it. He was picking up dirt by the handfuls and putting it in a little car and then sitting in it and drove the car around. Then he needed to add more dirt to the car. And a little more dirt. Tyson stopped long enough to enjoy riding the horse and then enjoyed the dirt again. But not before he had to kiss the horse. Really whose boy is this? I asked if I could bath him and wash his clothes before I took him home (no joke). He licked his lips which turned to mud on his face. Disgusting. Eric's aunt just reassured me it was fine, he's a boy, he is building up his immune system. Yuck still I didn't really care. Dirt all over. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. But my awesome sister in law cleaned him up so he wasn't so bad so he could ride inside of the car instead of in the trunk. Side note - Tyson calls a horse a ho. He also enjoys saying ooh la la. So we were joking that he is going to go to nursery tomorrow and tell everyone that he rode a ho last night ooh la la.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Christmas 2011
This year Christmas was a bit different. We moved exactly one week before Christmas. I know call us idiots. We were. Lots and Lots of people, more like everyone I told that we were moving that close to Christmas, would ask us if we were setting up a Christmas tree and I started replying I don't know its a lot of work blah blah blah. Well everyone suggested putting up the tree because we had Tyson and he really needed a tree for Christmas. Well being a little stubborn like I am I decided BULL CRAP I am NOT putting up a tree and trying to unpack and attend family and work Christmas parties, and finish up some shopping. But mainly it was because people were telling to put it up. I will show them I thought make my OWN grown up decision. Right? No Christmas tree here at this house. So we made a Christmas tree for Family Home Evening out of paper and hung it on the wall. That was our one and only Christmas decoration. It was cute I thought. Who needed anything else? Well looking back now...........I WISH I WOULD HAVE PUT MY DAMN TREE UP. I didn't really enjoy Christmas this year. It just felt like another day. Nothing special about it. No clean up the week after. Nothing. It was LAME. I will be putting up a tree this next year and possibly put it up in October and take it down in February. We shall see. Tyson enjoyed his presents that he got from Santa. But Santa was not very awesome this year not one toy had batteries. It was great for mom and dad but I think Tyson was pretty bored with his gifts. Oh well we hurried out the door anyway to families. Cheers to a better Christmas next year!!
We Moved!
We decided to be grown ups and buy a house therefore, we moved back in December. Don't judge me that I NOW blogging about it. We love our new house. We are trying to love our new neighbors and new ward. Tyson likes our new house now. He still calls it his new house once in a while. But for about the first month he didn't like it so well. The first week was the WORST. Oh my gosh. I was beginning to wonder what the crap I got myself into. Tyson cried each and every night for a solid week that he wanted to go home. Each night I would remind him we moved, his bed is at the new house, so are his toys, mom and dad moved also, blah blah blah blah. Not much worked only crying himself to sleep worked. Even in the middle of the night he would wake up and cry wanting to go home. Well on about the 10th night of Tyson waking up at 2am and crying to go home I lost it. No more patients. I told him something to the fact that damn it we moved now live with it. When you get big you can do what you want when you want but for now we live here and go back to bed. He is doing MUCH better now and enjoys his "new house" Except for the fact he got a big boy bed and can get out of it at night and comes to climb into bed with us. Well two chubby people and a 2 year old does not mix with in a queen size bed so we upgraded to a king bed. Side note we should have upgraded a long time ago. We LOVE it. Also, shortly after we moved we found out our dishwasher STUNK and also leaked water. Our fridge froze things on the top shelf and the bottom shelf things spoiled because it wasn't cold enough. Then one night while cooking dinner fire shot out of the back unit on the stove. AWESOME. Not just once about 7 times. Eric thought it was great. I was freaking out grabbing for my phone 'just in case'. Well for Christmas Eric and I got and are still enjoying a new dishwasher, a new fridge, and a new stove. Welcome to owning a home right?
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