Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Winter Wonderland
When dad is in charge.......
When dad is in charge sometimes not so good things happen. Like having to finish watching the football play or the WWE fight or some golf hit or something and you don't go get your child when he wakes up from a nap and so things like this happen. The bibs were so nicely piled on the shelf and Tyson got bored I guess waiting for Eric to go and get him so he pulled them down and played with them for a while. But then dad makes up for it by playing with Tyson and his new found toy horse. He loves this thing. Tyson isn't walking yet (what a dud just kidding) so he has a very hard time riding this horse but he LOVES it.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Fries and Ketchup
Tyson LOVES to dip his food. We had french fried today and he just HAD to have something to dip them in. So, I gave him ketchup and he ate more ketchup than he did french fries. He had it in his hair and in his ears. What a messy eater. His new thing when he is eating is shoving things in his ear leaving them there having a piece off his tray and then eating the one that was in his ear. Yummy huh?
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween! Tyson was a dog for Halloween he hated his costume. He hated the hood the most. He loved the candy though! He is still loving the candy. I thinks Tyson's favorite is suckers. He likes to put them in his hair and then thinks it is funny when they get stuck. I HATE suckers they are so sticky. Yuck. So, he only gets one when Eric gives it to him. I am so mean. Everyone thought that he was a skunk. Not sure how a dog gets confused with a skunk but hey! It was a fun halloween!
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