What a handsome man he is. Tyson got this church outfit for Christmas also. He looks SO cute in it. He even got new black shoes to go with it. The ladies couldn't keep their hands off of him at church. He is so adorable in this that it needed it's very own post.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Handsome Man
What a handsome man he is. Tyson got this church outfit for Christmas also. He looks SO cute in it. He even got new black shoes to go with it. The ladies couldn't keep their hands off of him at church. He is so adorable in this that it needed it's very own post.
Merry Christmas
So once again I posted the pictures backwards sorry. Anyway, we had a great Christmas. Tyson LOVED unwrapping his presents. He didn't care what was inside the wrapping he was just excited to unwrap everything. His favorite thing was his horse. He rode that thing almost all day long and it still gets rode A LOT. I must have forgot to take a picture of all of his opened presents. He got a tonka dump truck, a farm animal set, a dinosaur set, an army man set, cloths, shoes, books (of course), some Barney DVD's (which we have watched about a thousand times), a play lap top thingy, and more that I can't remember. I think he got spoiled and loved it all. The wii in the picture was Eric's. And I got cloths, cloths, and a few more cloths.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Messy Boy
Tyson loves to feed himself. But most of the time, ok every time, we end up having to bath him because he makes such a mess. He LOVES to wipe whatever he is eating in his hair. It is lovely. Oh well, the many joys of having a child!! I should probably mention also that he did at one time have a bowl for his food. Tyson decided he didn't need it and dumped his food onto his tray and then dropped the bowl onto the floor. It was a joy to clean up.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Watch Out
Tyson is walking!! He has been for about 3 weeks now. He has had a few bumps and bruises from it but that is part of it right? He loves to walk around our house carrying things. He really loves this flag. What ever makes him happy. I took Tyson to the doc last friday because he has had a really bad cough. And he had this sore on his nose from walking when we went. I felt like an awesome person let me tell ya. The doctor questioned his sore. I told him it's from walking the doc says yeah I know how that works. I didn't know what that was suppose to mean but whatever. Then the same day with the same sore we go to the hospital for chest x-rays. Everyone there questioned his sore also. REALLY PEOPLE HE IS LEARNING TO WALK. Promise. Anyway back to his walking (sorry) he prefers to walk now everywhere that we go. I hope Santa brings him shoes for Christmas because he doesn't have any that fit right now. Tyson's favorite thing to do is walk the circle that is in our house. In the front room, to the kitchen, thru the bathroom, thru our bedroom and back to the front room. I bet he does this thousands of times a day. He gets distracted by the toilet and has to splash around a few times.
But he loves walking and is pretty good now. I guess he just had to show everyone it was on his time and no one elses.
My Poor Car
My poor parked car got hit today. What a very sad day. I went to Maverick this morning to get a diet coke so I could endure this LONG day and as I was getting out of my car another car was starting to pull into the stall next to me. I had my door open and I was half way out of my car. I noticed she was parking a little close to me so I got back in my car and reached to close my door. As I was reaching for my door she hit my door. Oh ouch. She quickly got out and apologized and was VERY nice about it all. We ended up calling the police. No citation can be issued because it happened on private property. But we exchanged info and police report was filed. Now our insurance have to fight it over who is paying for what. Oh joy! And also my car got towed because the door wouldn't close. My car is going to get fixed next week. But at least they got the door to open and close today for us.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Winter Wonderland
When dad is in charge.......
When dad is in charge sometimes not so good things happen. Like having to finish watching the football play or the WWE fight or some golf hit or something and you don't go get your child when he wakes up from a nap and so things like this happen. The bibs were so nicely piled on the shelf and Tyson got bored I guess waiting for Eric to go and get him so he pulled them down and played with them for a while. But then dad makes up for it by playing with Tyson and his new found toy horse. He loves this thing. Tyson isn't walking yet (what a dud just kidding) so he has a very hard time riding this horse but he LOVES it.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Fries and Ketchup
Tyson LOVES to dip his food. We had french fried today and he just HAD to have something to dip them in. So, I gave him ketchup and he ate more ketchup than he did french fries. He had it in his hair and in his ears. What a messy eater. His new thing when he is eating is shoving things in his ear leaving them there having a piece off his tray and then eating the one that was in his ear. Yummy huh?
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween! Tyson was a dog for Halloween he hated his costume. He hated the hood the most. He loved the candy though! He is still loving the candy. I thinks Tyson's favorite is suckers. He likes to put them in his hair and then thinks it is funny when they get stuck. I HATE suckers they are so sticky. Yuck. So, he only gets one when Eric gives it to him. I am so mean. Everyone thought that he was a skunk. Not sure how a dog gets confused with a skunk but hey! It was a fun halloween!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Good Deal!
I have been just running into deals lately. With garage sales and at the store. This was an awesome purchase. The dish soap - free, the shampoo - free, the deoderant- $1, the cookie mix - 72 cents, the Jello - 20 cents, the razors- 95 cents, and the cough drops - 48 cents. How did I do it? COUPONS! They are my new best friend. I love them. *sigh*
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Garage Sales
I scored big time!! The red cabinet - 10 bucks. The black bench - 3 dollars. The blue storage things - 2 bucks (you can't see them very good). The box of yarn - 3 bucks. The shirt boxes - 2 bucks. The bag/purse thing - 1 buck. I think all the toys equaled 4 bucks. The snow boots 25 cents. I won't list every thing but, as you can see I got a ton of stuff for cheap! It was awesome.
I am glad my neighbor took me. I used to think garage sales were yucky and wonder why you would buy some strangers stuff. It is dirty and full of germs. But I thought about it and had a game plan.
I would go unshowered. Touch things. MAYBE buy something. And then come home and take a very long hot shower and bleach ANYTHING that I bought.
Well as you can see I had to use my game plan. But it was not nearly as yucky as I thought it would be. I didn't have to have a long hot shower. Just a normal shower and I didn't even use very much bleach. So it was GREAT! I will be going again!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Update Overload
Ok so, I just posted like 5 posts. Sorry about the overload. We have been so busy this summer with work, family cookouts, family reunions, GOLF, and a little more GOLF, and sickness, teething, etc. The list could go on and on. So a quick update on us. I am still working both jobs and still drinking lots and lots of diet coke. That about sums it up. Eric is still working and is golfing when he isn't working. Tyson is growing so fast. He has one tooth. I think it is lonely. How much can a child eat with only one tooth? Well I can tell you. But I won't bore you. He just got over a sinus infection this past week. Really how many 1 year olds get sinus infections? He had an allergic reaction to the medicine the doc gave him so we had to get a new med on Sat. That was fun calling the call-a-nurse and the on call doctor. But that is a very long story so I will not bore you with that either. Let me just say I think I drank the most diet coke in my life that day. These posts should have been posted months ago. I apologize. I will do better with my blogging. I just hope blogger is nicer next time.
Helping Mom
Piano Man
No Bishop he is not practicing to be the next ward piano player. Sorry!! He is practicing to make mom and dad lots of money one day through music. HA HA!! Eric put Tyson up to the piano one day and he sat there forever playing and laughing. Since then Tyson will crawl to the piano and try to climb up on the piano bench.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Happy 1st Birthday!
Better late than never right? Tyson turned 1 on the 9th. We had a great time. Eric and I took him to McDonalds and let him eat french fries until his heart was content! What a blast huh? Then on Sunday we celebrated with family. He got lots of fun presents and got to eat his cake. He liked about the first 5 bites but then was done with it. He really enjoyed his presents and playing with the paper and boxes. We could have saved money and just bought a roll of wrapping paper and found a box to give him and he would have been happy for hours but we thought he might want a few toys.
We took him for his 1 year check up and he is now 28 inches - 5 % centile and 19 pounds 15 ounces - 5 % centile. The doc was a little worried about his weight because he lost weight from when he was in there last. So, we go in August for a weight check and hopefully he has gained weight if so we are good but if not we aren't sure what the doctor will want to do. So, any ideas on how to fatten up a child we would gladly take the ideas.
4th of July
We had a fun time enjoying all of the 4th of July events. We enjoyed the parade in Hyrum with friends and lots of fire works with family and friends. I think we hit all of the fireworks in the valley. So, I think Tyson saw about 3 nights in a row of fireworks. He enjoyed what little he saw. Most of the time during the fireworks he was doing just what the first pic looks like. He slept through most of the fire works that we saw. We had a lot of fun. And it was nice to remember and celebrate our freedom.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Road Trip
We went to Nebraska to visit my sister and her family and had a blast. We went the beginning of June (yes I know what your thinking.....and your barely blogging about it now........why yes I am!) We went to the zoo (which is amazing and fun), had fun playing in the water, and just hanging out. Tyson enjoyed all of the attention that he got. He had a hard time adjusting when we got back and it was just mom and dad and no one else to entertain him. We drove there and Tyson did very well on the way there. But on the way home was a different story. Lets just say we sang - I had a little turtle his name was Tiny Tim I put him in the bath tub to see if he could swim he drank up all the water he ate up all the soap now he's home sick in bed with a bubble in his throat HICCUP. ALOT. And by alot I mean practically the whole drive which is 14 hours. So, next time you take a road trip start singing this song it is way fun you should try it. Just sayin'. Our trip was fun and we miss them a ton.
The picture of Tyson in his car seat is on the way out there. I didn't get one on the way home cuz I just didn't think that we wanted a pic of him crying.
I couldn't load more pictures blogger won't let me so if you want stay tuned there may be more to come from our trip.
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