Friday, December 25, 2009

Two Santa's?

Are there two Santa's?

No, just a look a like!!

Beauty Parlor

So, my niece got some nail polish and a book that shows you how to paint different things
for Christmas and was wanting to paint everyone's nails. She painted mine and I had to take a picture because I thought she did a great job for a 6 year old. When she saw me taking a picture she asked why I was taking a picture and I told her because I liked what she had painted. She then asked me if I could blog about them. So here they are!! The pinkie's are ying yang, the ring fingers are flowers, the middle fingers are dice, the pointer fingers are bees, and the thumbs (which you can't see that well) are lady bugs.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Halloween Time!

Look how cute. Tyson is ready for Halloween! (Whether he knows it or not) As you can see he doesn't like to wear hats. I guess he really is related to his father!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Update on Tyson

Tyson is getting big. He is now 11 weeks old. When we went in for his 2 month check up (about 2 1/2 weeks ago) he weighed 12 1/2 pounds and was 22 1/2 inches long. He got his shots and DISLIKED them a lot. He screamed loudly. Tyson was crying so hard he stopped breathing for a second and the nurse says maybe I should wait a second to give him the next shot. Ya think. Good gravy! But thanks to Tylenol we got through it. Here are a few pictures of him. He is starting to smile more and more. Especially in the mornings when he first wakes up. He sometimes has a hard time eating his bottle because he keeps smiling at us. It is way cute! He loves to snuggle with his blankets. He likes them right up against his face. When he is very tired he loves lots of blankys close to his face and then grabs a fist full and hangs on to it tightly.

Betty Crocker

So I decided I needed a new name/title so, I became Betty Crocker one weekend. I bottled some salsa and some peaches. It was so easy. And very delicious. Sorry about the pictures I forgot to take pictures before I put them away downstairs!! I might have to become more like Betty more often!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Six weeks old and smiling!!

Tyson is 6 weeks old today!! How times flys. He is starting to smile. (And it's not just gas!!) This is the best picture that I have been able to get so far. I am always to slow to take the pic and it looks like he is just opening his mouth but for real it was a smile. He is getting so big!

Tyson Sleeping

Tyson likes to sleep with his left eye half way open. It sometimes freaks people out when they are holding him and he goes to sleep. We have even tried to shut it for him and he will open it back up a little. I guess he doesn't want to miss out on what's going on around him! The top picture isn't as good he had been asleep for about an hour when I took it. The second picture he had been asleep for about 20 minutes. I have not been able to tell if he sleeps with it open at night because it's always dark!!

Bouncy Chair

Today I put Tyson in his bouncy chair for the first time. I don't know why I waited so long. He liked it a lot. He stayed in it for about an hour (while I was on face book not that you needed to know that!). He was so happy talking and smiling. But I guess he played so hard he tuckered himself out cuz he fell asleep in it. He was talking and 2 seconds later I look over at him and he was asleep.

The pictures aren't that great I am not a great picture taker. Sorry.

Tyson's favorite things

Tyson likes to go for walks in the stroller. Some mornings we walk for 2 hours. But shouldn't the weight be falling off if we walk that long each day cuz its not. Tyson will either stay awake and look around and talk or fall asleep before we even get to the end of the drive way.

Tyson's favorite things

Tyson likes to go for rides in the car. He must be related to his mom and grandma though. He falls asleep shortly after we get going!!

First Bath

This is Tyson's first real bath! We did in the kitchen sink. At first he wasn't real sure about it but by the end he REALLY did not like it. He screamed even after it was all over with and he was dressed. It was sad. Just in case your all wondering he did get sponge baths until his belly button and front bum :) healed and then he started getting real baths I am just very slow about posting it!! I just don't want you to think that I never bathed or cleaned him! But then who am I kidding those that know me and how I am about being clean you should all know that this really wasn't his VERY first cleaning.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Blessing Day

Well I am a little slow blogging about this but Tyson was blessed on the 2nd. It was a great day. We had lots of family and friends join us in this great event! My mom made his tux. Thanks mom it looks awesome as always! Thanks to all the family and friends who supported us and helped bring all the great food that we ate. I tried to do a slide show because I have lots of pics with grandparents etc. but I couldn't figure it out. Maybe one day I will learn about this blogging business.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Doctor's Appointment

Tyson went to the doctor's on Tuesday. He now weighs 9 lbs 5 oz and is 20 1/4 inches long. He is growing so fast!! He had to do the heal poke while there. How sad. Tyson screamed!! We weren't sure he had lungs until then. It also made him so mad that he peed right through everything!! Clear through his outfit and all over the exam table. He started to want to eat every 1 1/2 hours so, we asked the doctor if we shoud up his ounces or what exactly we shoud do. The doc said to either up his feedings to 3 ounces or see if he is eating out of comfort. So, we were to try and cuddle him, swaddle him, etc, etc. Well when he is trying to suck anything and everything that is within 6 inches of his mouth he is HUNGRY!! So, we are trying to up his ounces but, we think he is getting a tummy ache from so much. So, as of now he is eating 2 ounces every 1 1/2 to 2 hours. What to do??

Tyson LOVES to lay in his swing hammock! He likes to listen to the music and kick or just sleep in it!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Baby Tyson


Well as many as you know we had our baby on Thursday July 9th. He was born by c section at 8:39 a.m. He weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. and was 19 inches long. He seems to be growing like a weed! He eats every 2 hours and sometimes can't wait that long. We took him to the doctors on the following Monday after he was born and he had gained 4 oz. already!! He is a really good baby other than waking up every hour and a half at nights to be fed!!

Here are a few pictures! Enjoy!

So, I don't know how to post pictures that great. Maybe one day I will learn and it will look better. Anyway, the first picture is Tyson right after he was born. The second picture is Tyson ready to come home. Third, dad and Tyson watching his first golf tornament in the big comfy chair (you can tell how interested Tyson was!!). Fourth, mom and Tyson taking a much needed nap. And the fifth picture, dad and Tyson watching the race on Sunday afternoon. Must be one heck of a race!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Hang with us

We just started this. As you can see. We will post more when we figure this out!!!!